UTech, Ja Graduation 2020

I am delighted to extend congratulations to the University of Technology, Jamaica Graduating Class of 2020. It is a special joy to share in your sense of accomplish- ment on completing your programme and being eligible for certification. You have invested years of time, effort and hard work and have overcome challenges along the course. Now the returns on your investment are yours to reap. Special thanks to those who have supported you along your journey and contributed to your development and success – your lecturers, administrators, sponsors, parents, spouses, mentors, family and friends. You have invested years of time, effort and hard work and have overcome challenges along your journey, and now the returns on your investment are yours to reap. Let us express special thanks to your lecturers, administrators, sponsors, parents, spouses, mentors, family and friends who have all supported you throughout your university experience and contributed to your development and success. Our Class of 2020 is graduating at an extraordinary time in global history as Jamaica and the rest of the world continue to grapple with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. As tertiary gradu- ates you will be placed in the awesome position to use your newly acquired train- ing and knowledge to influence change for a brighter future for our country. I am confident that your UTech, Jamaica certifi- cation has prepared you well to be positive agents of change as you join the over 50,000 graduates of this institution who are making their mark in all areas of the economy in Jamaica and across the world. Wherever the next chapter of life takes you, your alma mater is counting on you to be good UTech, Jamaica ambassadors of integrity, honesty and humility. We are counting on you, our graduates, to be vanguards of the UTech, Jamaica brand and to utilize all opportunities to positively elevate the image of the University in your words, actions and deeds. The good repu- tation the institution enjoys helps to pave the way for your own success and accept- ance in the wider professional spaces. In your march forward, I encourage you to continue to pursue opportunities for life- long learning and opportunities for the upgrading of your skills and knowledge in your chosen career. Congratulations on your graduation! Walk good! 10 P R E S I D E N T ’ S ME S S AGE Professor Colin Gyles AC T I NG