Week of Welcome 2024

ThePeople'sUniversity MajorNational In stitiu tion TheBeginning Awarded UniversityStatus UTech,Ja. has grown to become a major national institution with a student population of over 10,000 and various locations acros the island. CASTasaDegree Granting Institution UniversityofTechnology,Jam aica "TheBirthplaceofGreatnes "

W e are delighted to welcom e you to University of Technology,Jam aica. W elcom eto a dynam icstudentcom m unityand an exhilarating cam pus!YourjourneyattheUniversityofTechnology,Jam aica (UTech,Ja.)prom isesto berewarding,and wearethriled that you havechosen UTech,Ja.to pursueyoureducation. W eareproud to announcethat Utech,Ja iscelebrating 66 yearsofservice to studentsboth localyand internationaly with thethem e“Building yourfutureTogether;Em bracing the Journey.”Ourgraduateshaveachieved rem arkablesuccess in variousf ields.W elcom e! Takefuladvantageofthisinform ativeweekbyatending as m anysessionsasyou can.Ourfriendlyand knowledgeable staf are eagerto assistyou in navigating the university.Don't hesitateto sayhelo and askforhelp ifyou need it. W eek ofW elcom e

Messages:President& Vice President Orientation Schedule-Papine Cam pusMap HalsOfResidence Schedule SupportServices INSIDE? Prepared by:UniversityofTechnology,Jam aica,Departm entofStudentServices Graphic Design and Layoutby:YousefM.W hinstanley,Freelance Graphic Artist Curater:ChristopherDavis Editor:W arickLatibeaudaire WHAT’S Cam pusSecurity Students’Union President’sMessage Students'Union Council 7-10 1-34 40 42-43 30-35 44 - 50 15 - 16 19 Orientation Schedule-W estern Cam pus 20-26

MESSAGE PRESIDENT’S Dr.Kevin Brown President August2024 Itism ypleasureto welcom enew and returning studentsforthe2024/2025 Academ ic Year.W elcom eto thisexciting new chapteratJam aica’snationaland prem ierSTEM (Science,Technology,Engineering & M athem atics)University. Overour66-yearhistory,UTech,Jam aica hasbeen pivotalin shaping technologyand innovation in alignm entwith ournationaldevelopm entagenda.Bychoosing UTech, Jam aica foryourtertiaryeducation,you haveem barked on a transform ative educationaljourneythatprom iseslifelong growth and developm ent.Asnew students, you join a tradition of"Excelence through Knowledge"in a supportive,stim ulating,and diverse academ ic environm entf iled with enriching opportunities. TheMission ofourUniversityis“to positivelyim pactJam aica,thewiderCaribbean and elsewhere,through high qualitylearning opportunitiesforstudents,and valueadded solutionsto governm ent,industryand com m unities.” W earededicated to thispursuit, and Iinviteourstudentsto activelyparticipatein thisMission,throughoutyour university sojourn. 5

MESSAGECONT'D. WELCOME Recognized forourcom m itm entto internationaleducation standards,UTech,Ja. received InstitutionalAccreditation from the UniversityCouncilofJam aica (UCJ)in 2018. W etakepridein ourtrackrecord ofproducing over65,000 industry-readygraduates, equipped notonlywith technicalcom petencebutalso with theabiltyto drivesocial and econom ictransform ation.In the em erging digitalera def ined byArtif icial Inteligence(AI),autom ation,and robotics,yourjourneyatUTech,Jam aica beginsat a pivotalm om entin history,whereouracadem icprogram m escontinueto evolvein step with these transform ations. Ialso encourageyou to explorealthattheuniversityhasto oferbyparticipating in variousaspectsofuniversitylife thatalign with yourinterests,including student leadership,m yriad com petitions,clubsand societies,sportsand culturalactivities,as welasvolunteerand com m unityserviceinitiatives– alofwhich wilcontributeto yourpersonaldevelopm entand enrich yourexperience. Iextend m ybestwishesto alnew and returning studentsfora successful,enjoyable, and rewarding academ icyear.

MESSAGE REGISTRAR’S M issM arion Brown Vice President& Registrar Greetings, Iam thriled to warm lywelcom ealournew,returning,and transferstudentsaswe begin the exciting journeyofthe 2024-2025 academ icyearatthe Birthplace of Greatness.Thisyearisparticularlyspecialaswe proudlycelebrate 66 yearsofBuilding YourFutureTogether,Em bracing theJourney. Thisinstitution hasa rich historyofnurturing m inds,fostering innovation,and igniting passions.Asyou step into thisvenerable institution,you becom e a partofa legacy thatspansoversixdecades.W ith theweightofthislegacyand theprom iseofa bright future,welookforward to supporting and encouraging you along thisexciting path of learning and discovery. 7

WELCOME MESSAGECONT'D. Atthe heartofyouracadem icjourneyliesthe off ice ofthe registrar.W e oversee the Division ofStudentServicesand Registry,serving asa crucialpilarofyoursupport system .Asyou navigatethrough theacadem iclandscape,wearehereto assist you with anyquestionsorconcernsyou m ayhaveregarding academ ic policies,credittransfers,youracadem ic records,and the intricaciesofregistration in addition to otherservicesthatsupportsyoursuccessand enhanceyourgrowth and developm ent.Ourfaculties,staf,and adm inistratorsarededicated to your success,and wearecom m ited to providing you with thetools,resources,and guidanceneeded to thriveboth insideand outsidetheclassroom . Asyou em barkon thisnew chapterofyourlife,alwayskeep in m ind thatyou arenow partofa com m unitythatvaluesknowledge,innovation,and growth.Your journeyherewilbem arked bytrium phs,chalenges,and thejoyofdiscovery. Em braceeveryopportunity,m akem eaningfulconnections,and dareto dream beyond thehorizon.Onceagain,welcom eto theBirthplaceofGreatness.Together, letusm ake thisacadem icyearone f iled with inspiration,achievem ent,and the relentlesspursuitofexcelence.W ith bestwishesfora successfuland fulf iling yearahead,

10:05AM -10:35AM BREAK 9:00 A.M .-9:03 A.M . M is Roshantia Bramwel DirectorofSpiritualDevelopment M r.DominicRichards,SportsChaplain Closing Rem arks Prof.Shermaine Baret DeputyPresident(Acting) 18 COMMENCEMENTSERVICE ACTIVITY M rs.CarolRichards UniversityChaplain M r.RickDarby Students'Union President Dr.Kevin Brown President 9:03 A.M .-9:05 A.M . 9:15 A.M .– 9:17 A.M . Scripture Reading As em ble in Alfred SangsterAuditorium Opening rem arks Greetings Praiseand W orship Students’Union Councilac ompanied by Centre forthe ArtsBand TheMes age 9:05 A.M .-9:20 A.M . Opening Prayer 9:45 A.M .-9:53 A.M . 9:59 A.M .-10:05 A.M . W elcom eRem arks 9:17 A.M .-9:45 A.M . 9:53 A.M .-9:55 A.M . M is M arion Brown Vice President& Registrar M is M orticqua M uray UniversityCounselor Greetings 9:5 A.M .-9:55 A.M . 8:00 A.M .-8:50 A.M . SUNDAY Host:Ms.Roshantia Bram wel,Dir.ofSpiritualDevelopm ent VENUE:Alfred SangsterAuditorium 1

StudentFinancing Scholarships StudentW elfare Admis ions& Enrolment StudentServices Safetyand Security Colegesand Faculties Calvin M cKain Library M eeting with Parentsand FamilesofHalsofResidence students Booth Interviewsduring tim e Online -Videos– Leting go recordings-Finance etc. Jamaica M oneyM arketBrokers Victora M utualGroup Lim ited M eeting with Parentsand Familesof HalsofResidence Students Consultationsand VisitationsofBoothes Sponsors’Spot Introduction forMeettheDeans 11:50 A.M .-12:00 P.M . 10:30 A.M .-11:50 A.M . 10:25 A.M .-10:30 A.M . 12 6:00 P.M .-9:00 P.M . ResidentStudentsCheck-In HalsofResidenceOrientation 10:00 A.M .-5:0 P.M . COLLEGES & FACULTIES VENUES Busines & M anagement Education & LiberalStudies Engineering & Com puting Health Sciences Law Science & Sports The BuiltEnvironm ent M edicine,OralHealth & VeterinarySciences Alfred SangsterAuditorium Virtual Virtual,LT-50 (Shared Faciltes) Virtual,LT-48 (Shared Faciltes) Virtual Virtual LT-4 ArthurW intDrive Campus 12:00 P.M .-2:0 P.M . M E TYOUR DEAN SESSIONS (See venuesbelow) ORIENTATION FOR PARENTSAND FAM ILIES Host:Mis Morticqua Muray,University Counselor VENUE:Alfred SangsterAuditorium

10:45 A.M .-1 :00 A.M . 1 :00A.M.-1 :20A.M. 11:20 A.M .-11:59 A.M . M r.David Kely DirectorofSafetyand Security Safety and Security Visitation ofColeges and Orientation Boothes Calvin McKain Library Led byUniversityoftechnology,Jamaica Choir BREAK M rs.Tam ika Christian M ils StudentRelationsOficer StudentRelations Dr.Anthonio Anderson Vice President& ChiefInformation TechnologyOficer Geting To Know YourStudentServices M rs.Dorset.Gabbidon Potinger As istantRegistrar,StudentServices UTech,Ja.Mascot GETTING TO KNOW YOURSERVICES ACTIVITY 8:40 A.M .-8:45 A.M . As em ble in the Alfred SangsterAuditorium VENUE:Alfred SangsterAuditorium HOST: Mis Morticqua Muray,University Counselor(Acting) UTech,Ja.Song DepartmentofSports PowerTalk Rev.Dr.Stevenson Samuels UniversityChaplain 8:45 A.M .-8:50 A.M . 8:50 A.M .-9:10 A.M . Enrolm entHotSpot 9:40 A.M .-9:55 A.M . 9:55 A.M .– 10:15 A.M . 10:15 A.M .-10:35 A.M . W eb Browsing on Cam pus M r.Clayton M oore, Ofice ofAdmis ionsand EnrolmentM anagement(OAEM ) FeePaym ent M rs.Karen Haughton-Blair Supervisor,StudentFinancing 9:10 A.M .-9:40 A.M . 10:35A.M .–10:45A.M . 8:30 A.M .-8:40 A.M . 19 MONDAY 14

SteelPan M usical Dancers Students’Union Aliance Abroad Group M inistryofLegaland ConstiutionalAfairs CenterFortheArts CenterFortheArts Alum niRiversideChatwith President CulturalExchangeProgram m e 2:15 P.M .-2:30 P.M . 2:30 P.M .-3:00 P.M . 3:00 P.M .-3:20 P.M . 3:20 P.M .-4:0 P.M . 4:00 P.M . HalsofResidenceOrientation Cam pusTour ConstitutionalEvolution:Understanding theChanges 6:0 P.M .-9:00 P.M . M rs.Charmaine A.Lewis Careerand PlacementOficer Venue:LT-48 Efective Study Skils 2:00 P.M .– 2:15 P.M . 1:00 P.M .– 1:45 P.M . Dr.Leslie M eade Venue:LT-50 (Shared Facilities) MaleHealth Talk M rs.M arlene Potinger-Gyles SeniorUniversityCounselor(Acting) Venue:LT-49 Crafting yourCareer 10:30 A.M .-11:30 A.M . BREAK /MOVETO CONCURRENTSESSIONS 12:00 P.M .-1:00 P.M . LUNCH BREAK BREAK /MOVETO THEALFRED SANGSTER AUDITORIUM Sesions Details Dr.Sophie Abrikian Venue:Alfred SangsterAuditorium 1:00 P.M .– 1:45 P.M . Fem aleHealth Talk 15

MESSAGE STUDENTS UNION PRESIDENT’S M r.RickDarby Presidentofthe Students’ Union The UTech,Ja.Students’Union Councilisa studentled organization thatrepresentsthe studentbodyhere atthe UniversityofTechnology,Jam aica.The counciliscom prised ofelected and appointed representativesdedicated to f iling gapsthatoften divide the studentpopulusand the university.The councilseeksto im plem entand execute initiatives thatdrivesm eaningfulchange through culturalenrichm ent,studentdevelopm ent, f inancialsupport,and com m unityoutreach.The 2024/25 Councils’prim aryfocusisto Refocus,Restructure,and Re-energize the Students’Union.Ourvision aim sto refocus ourStudents’Union to be m ore student-friendlyand student-centered,to re-energize ourUnion to enhanceinclusivityand revivecam puslife,and to restructureforbeter studentrepresentation and enhancem ent. The Councilcom prisesoffour(4)boards,nam ely;Board ofExecutives,Board of Representatives,Board ofDirectorsand Board ofAdvisors.These boardsworkwithin a hierarchicalstructure to ensure thatY.O.U.are represented and served atallevels 17 14

MESSAGECONT'D. WELCOME within the Universityto give you the opportunityfora holistic Universityexperience. TheCouncilisdedicated to m aking studentsawareofthehappeningsin theunion, thedecisionswem ake,and thereasonsbehind them bybeing ashonest,clearand upfrontaspossible.In addition to creating an open and inclusiveenvironm ent whereeverystudent'svoicecan beheard and isvalued.W eaim to foster engagem entbyactivelyinvolving you in decision-m aking processes,byproviding platform sand opportunitiesforbonding,networking,colaboration,and faciltating open dialoguebetween usand Y.O.U.Furtherm ore,wearecom m ited to advocating foryourneedsatallevelsaswe strive to enhance youroveralstudentexperience. Therefore,staytuned to UTech,Ja.Students’Union (USU)Updateswhich wilprovide Y.O.U.with theopportunityto stayupdated on ourlevelofadvocacy. Studentengagem entisalso crucialforourunion'ssuccess.Assuch,wewilworkto createm oreopportunitiesforstudentsto engagewith theunion and each other through planning and executing eventsand initiativesthatare inclusive,supportive, and driven bytheneedsofthestudentsweserve.W e(TheStudents’Union)wil m ake itourpointofdutyto advocate forpoliciesand initiativesthatare benef icial to ourstudentsbyworking with ourpartnersand stakeholdersto createm eaningful changethatpositivelyim pactsourcom m unityatlarge.Thism eaningfulchange m eansthatthisCouncilwilserveY.O.U.W earecom m ited to Refocusing, Restructuring,and Re-energizing thisUnion to beterserve Y.O.U.

Sesions Details Sesions Details CONCURRENTSESSIONS2 8:50 AM -9:50 AM CONCURRENTSESSIONS1 20 TUESDAY STUDENTDEVELOPMENT CONCURRENTSESSIONS VENUE:PapineCam pus,Shared Facilities ACTIVITY 8:10 AM -8:50 AM As em ble atShared FacilitiesLT-5O M rs.Pauline M adourie -LT-48 (Shared Faciltes) M s.Patrice Pencle -LT-47 (Shared Faciltes) M rs.M ickalia Peck-Aikens -LT-49 (Shared Faciltes) M rs.Charm aine Lewis-47 A5 (Shared Faciltes) M s.M orticqua M uray-47 B2 (Shared Faciltes) M s.Tam ika Christian -47 A1 1.Scholarship Opportunites 2.English Language ProficiencyTest 3.Distance Online Learning 4.CareerExploration 5.Adjusting to University Life 6.How to Finish W el,StudentsRelationsand You M rs.Pauline M adourie -LT-48 (Shared Faciltes) M s.Patrice Pencle -LT-47 (Shared Faciltes) M rs.M ickalia Peck-Aikens -LT-49 (Shared Faciltes) M rs.Charm aine Lewis-47 A5 (Shared Faciltes) M s.M orticqua M uray-47 B2 (Shared Faciltes) M s.Tam ika Christian -47 A1 1.Scholarship Opportunites 2.English Language ProficiencyTest 3.Distance Online Learning 4.CareerExploration 5.Adjusting to University Life 6.How to Finish W el,StudentsRelationsand You 8:00 AM -8:10 AM

Academ ic Presentation T.E.A.Tim e Welcome (giving an overview and leting personsknow the Council) PercivalRoberts 1stVP AcademicAfairs,Clubs& Societies M r.Jahiem Anderson VP StudentServices 10:30 A.M .-10:35 A.M . 10:35 A.M .-11:05 A.M . 11:05 A.M .-11:10 A.M . 11:12 A.M .-11:20 A.M . 10:00 A.M .-10:30 A.M . 20 TUESDAY CLUBSAND SOCIETIESFAIR& GETTING TO KNOW YOURSTUDENTS’UNION COUNCIL VENUE:PapineCam pus,Alfred SangsterAuditorium HOST: Mr.Rick Darby Student’sUnion President ACTIVITY M r.RickDarby-Students'Union CouncilPresident PowerTalk DirectorofSpiritualDevelopment As em bleatAlfred SangsterAuditorium Advertisem ent 11:22 A.M .-11:30 A.M . StudentServicesPresentation 9:50 A.M .-10:00 A.M . RESIDENT LIFE ORIENTATION Giveaways Chil room KnightsSpotlight Introduction ofConces ionaires Introduction oftheunion The Fix 1:0 P.M .-1:10 P.M . 1:10 P.M .-1:50 P.M . 1:50 P.M .-2:0 PM 2:0 P.M .-3:0 P.M . 3:00 P.M .-3:10 P.M . 12:15 A.M .-1:00 P.M . Club Introduction -Re-energize Cam pusLife Highlighting union m em bers& students who have done weloutside ofacademics (pageant,sports,busines ,parliament) SponsorSegm ent Ice Breaker/Giveaway Interaction with Sponsorsand Clubs 3:10 P.M .-3:20 P.M . Dismisal 11:30 A.M .-11:38 A.M . 11:38 A.M .-1 :40 A.M . 11:45 A.M .-12:15 A.M . 6:00 PM -9:0 PM 20

• W earyourStudentID atAL TIM ES. •Respectthe securityoficers.Theyare placed here to serve and protectyou from harm. • Trustyourinstincts.Ifyou geta bad "vibe"from someone,putsome distance between yourselfand the person. • Be aware ofyoursuroundingsattimeswhen youmaybe les alertand more vulnerable to an atack,e.g.,during exams,when you are upset,sick,ortired. • Use discretion and caution when taking shortcutsthrough isolated partsofthe cam pus.Utilze the Safety and Security cam pusescortservice. • Reportal incidentsor"CLOSE CAL S"to the Safetyand SecurityDepartment. • Do notleave yourvaluablesunatended. • Ensure thatyourcardoorsand windowsare closed upon exiting yourvehicle. • Be discreetwith cash. • Avoid using an ATM atnight.Ifyou mustuse an ATM atnight,asksomeone to ac ompanyyou. • Check around the ATM firstto ensure thatno one islurking in the shadows. The Safetyand SecurityDepartm entissituated to the leftofthe Adm inistration building'smain entrance.The Departmentcan be contacted atextensions3221 or 3551. CAMPUS SECURITY 2

The UniversityofTechnology,Jam aica Students’Union Councilisa body ofappointed and elected representativeswho are dedicated to f iling the gaps thatoften divide the studentbodyand the university.The councilexecutes initiativesthatwilenable realchange through culturalenrichm ent,student developm ent,f inancialsupport,and com m unityoutreach.The 2024/25 Council isguided bythe them e "Serving T.E.A AlYearLong",where T.E.A representsthe three pilarsthattie in with ourm andate and wilbe incorporated in ourvarious activitiesthroughoutthe academ ic year.These pilarsare nam elyTransparency, studentEngagem entand Advocacy.Throughoutyourtenure atthe University,we hope to provide you with opportunitiesforsocial,physical,academ ic and cultural growth.Ourm oto,“To Serve and To Represent”form sthe fuelwhich drivesthe variousactivitiesand initiativeswhich are in place foryou thisupcom ing academ ic year. The Councilcom prises offour(4)boards,nam ely;Board ofExecutives, Board ofRepresentatives,Board ofDirectorsand Board ofAdvisors.These boards workwithin a hierarchicalstructure to ensure thatY.O.U.are represented and served atallevelswithin the Universityto give you the holistic experience the Universityhasto ofer.Transparencyisan essentialpilarin ourunion.W e are dedicated to m aking studentsaware ofthe happeningsin the union,the decisions 23

we m ake,and the reasonsbehind them bybeing as honest,clearand upfront aspossible.In addition to creating an open andinclusive environm entwhere everystudent'svoice can be heard and isvalued.Therefore,staytuned to USU Updateswhich wilprovide Y.O.U.with the opportunity to stayupdated on our levelofadvocacy.Increased studentengagem entisalso criticalforourunion's success.Assuch,we wilworkto create m ore opportunitiesforstudentsto engage with the union and each otherthrough planning and executing eventsand initiatives thatare inclusive,supportive,and driven bythe needsofthe students we serve.Asitrelatesto the pilarofAdvocacy,we wilm ake itourpointofdutyto advocate forpoliciesand initiativesthatare benef icialto ourstudentsbyworking with ourpartnersand stakeholdersto create m eaningfulchange thatpositively im pactsourcom m unityatlarge.Thism eaningfulchange thatthisCouncilwil serve Y.O.U.W e are com m ited to Serving T.E.A AlYearLong!

Faculty ofLaw 2:30 P.M .– 4:30 P.M . VENUE: Drawing Room Faculty oftheBuiltEnvironm ent VENUE: Virtual,LT-4,4A-5,4B-9,4B-11, 4C-7 & 4C-14 (Shared Faciltes) Faculty ofEducation and LiberalStudies 1:00 P.M .– 2:30 P.M . VENUE: 47– C 1-4 47B -7 & 47B-8 (Shared Faciltes) 9:00 A.M .– 12:00 P.M . ColegeofHealth Sciences VENUE: LT-23,3B-20,3A-9A,3A-9B & 3A-16 SchoolofCom puting Sesion 2 VENUE: LT - 50 GETTINGTO KNOW YOURCOL EGESAND FACULTIES FACULTY&COL EGEORIENTATION ALLNEW,RETURNING AND TRANSFER STUDENTS ACTIVITY 9:00 A.M .-12:00 P.M . DETAILS Faculty ofEngineering & Com puting VENUE: Virtual, LT - 50 SchoolofEngineering Sesion 2 SchoolofEngineering Sesion 1 SchoolofEngineering Sesion 3 VENUE: 47C-3 & 47C-4 VENUE: 47C-3,47C-4,47B-4 & 47B-5 10:30 AM -12:30 PM 9:00 A.M .– 2:00 P.M . 10:30 A.M .– 12:30 P.M . JointColegesofMedicineOralHealth and Veterinary Sciences 10:00 AM .-1:30 PM VENUE: Virtual,LT-48, 47A-7 (Shared Faciltes) SchoolofCom puting Sesion 1 VENUE: LT-50,47A-3,47A-5,47A-6 &2B-2/2B-7 5:0 P.M .– 7:30 P.M . 5:00 P.M .– 7:30 P.M . TIME 26 21 WED

ColegeofBusines & Managem ent VENUE: Alfred SangsterAuditorium SchoolofBusines Adm inistration Sesion 1 VENUE: Virtual SchoolofBusines Adm inistration Sesion 2 VENUE: LT-49,47A-1,47A-2, (Shared Faciltes) SchoolofHospitality & Tourism Managem ent Joan Duncan SchoolofEntrepreneurship, Ethicsand Leadership (JDSEEL) VENUE: 47A-8 (Shared Faciltes) VENUE: 18 C 1-4 & 18B 13-15 10:00 A.M .– 12:00 P.M . 12:00 P.M .– 3:30 P.M . COHS GraduateStudiesOrientation Faculty ofScience& Sport Time FacultyofEngineering & Com puting 1:0 P.M .– 1:30 P.M 1:30 P.M -2:00 P.M . 2:0 P.M .– 2:30 P.M . 2:30 P.M .– 3:00 P.M . 10:00A.M .–10:30A.M . 10:30A.M .–1 :00A.M . 1 :30 A.M .– 12:00 P.M . 3:30 P.M .– 4:00 P.M FacultyofEducation and LiberalStudies 12:00 P.M .– 12:30 P.M . 12:30 P.M .– 1:00 P.M . Colege ofBusines & M anagement (Busines Administration) Colege/Faculty /School Colege ofHealth Sciences Colege ofBusines & M anagement (Tourism Hospitality& M anagement) Colege ofBusines & M anagement (Joan Duncan Schoolof Entrepreneurship Ethics& Leadership) JointColegesofM edicine, OralHealth & VeterinarySciences FacultyofScience & Sport CALVIN MCKAIN LIBRARY TOURSORIENTATION 2023 Faculty ofLaw FacultyofBuiltEnvironm ent 10:00 A.M .– 12:00 P.M . 6:00 P.M .-7:30 P.M . COBAM GraduateStudiesOrientation 6:00 P.M .-7:30 P.M . VENUE: Virtual 10:00 A.M .– 1:00 P.M . DETAILS TIME 28 5:30 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.

22 THURS Beyond Com pliance:Safeguarding Rightsand Dinity COMMUNITYSERVICECONFERENCE BEYOND COMPLIANCE:SAFEGUARDING RIGHTSANDDINITY ACTIVITY 1:00 P.M -2:30 P.M . 12:00 P.M .-1:00 P.M . TRAFFICKED: A Life Les on M ovie Com m unity Service Conference 2:30 P.M -4:30 P.M . PanelDiscus ion M is M orticqua M uray,UniversityCounselor M r.AndrayLawrence,ChiefData Protection Oficer Representativesfrom the M inistryofGenderAfairs Virtual 8:00 A.M .– 12:00 P.M . 29 LUNCH

W e kofW elcome!

MESSAGE W ESTERN CAMPUS AntoineteSm ith (M s) W estern Cam pus Coordinator Youruniversityhasdeveloped theenviablereputation ofproducing work-ready,world -classgraduateswithin oursixty-sixyearsofexistence.Iextend a specialwelcom e to our new studentspursuing coursesofstudyatthegraduateand undergraduatelevels. W elcom ebackreturning students,you haveearned your"stripes".You havealbeen caled to excelacadem icalywhilecontributing to a rich and exciting cam pusand com m unitylife in western Jam aica. Iencourage you to recom m ityourselvesto achieving excelence.Payatention to new developm entswithin industriesand econom iesglobaly.Beprepared to takeadvantage ofopportunitiesthatem ergefrom theadvancing digitaltransform ation and Internet ofthings.From todayyou wilbechalenged to em braceand honecertain CoreValues and atributes. 3

WELCOME MESSAGECONT'D. These are the driving forcesbehind the UTech,Ja.,studentexperience,asyou prepare to be innovators,leaders,entrepreneurs,policy-m akers,and life-long learners.In the wordsofThe R.E.MarcusMosiah Garvey,"Itrustthatyou wilso live todayasto realize thatyou are m astersofyourown destiny,m astersofyourfate;ifthere isanything you wantin thisworld,itisforyou to strike outwith conf idence and faith in selfand reach for the stars" Kudosfortaking on thechalengeand responsibiltyoftheUTech Knight,safeguarding and contributing to a legacyofexcelence.W elcom e to the fam ily,welcom e to UTech, Jam aica,the Birthplace ofGreatness.

22 THURS 1 :00 A.M .-1 :05A.M . Invocation W ESTERN CAMPUSORIENTATION,W EEKOFW ELCOME GETTING TO KNOW YOURW ESTERN CAMPUS VENUE:W estern Cam pus,17Dom eStreet,RM#217 Moderator:Ms.Rushana Jaret,Lecturer–FELS M s.Rushana Jaret Lecturer-FELS M rs.AudreyDawes-Jaret W esternCampusChaplain President’sCharge MusicalSelection FENC GraduateStudiesOrientation (Zoom ) ACTIVITY 11:10 A.M .-11:15 A.M . 11:05 A.M .– 11:10 A.M . W elcom e& Opening Rem arks Registration Greetings Greetings M is .M arion Brown Vice President& Registrar Dr.Kevin Brown UniversityPresident 1 :15 A.M .-11:20 A.M . Welcome M is Antoinete Smith CampusCoordinator M r.RickDarby Students’Union President 11:20 A.M .-11:25 A.M . 11:25 A.M .– 11:35 A.M . 11:35 A.M .– 1 :40 P.M 6:00 P.M 9:30 A.M .– 11:00 A.M . 35

GET ING TO KNOW THETEAM & YOURRESOURCES M rs.DorsetGabbidon-Potinger, As istantRegistrar,StudentServices VoteofThanks M s.Tenique Robinson,ChairW estern CampusSub-council Enrolm entand Registration TipsAY 2024/25 Em powering Academ icSuc es Through Data-Driven Insights 2:05 P.M .-2:10 P.M . 2:10 P.M .-2:15 P.M . ` Know yourW estern Cam pusSupport Services& m eetthe Team 11:50 P.M .-12:00 P.M . 1 :40 A.M .-11:50 P.M . Cam pusSecurity and PersonalSafety M s.Rushana Jaret Lecturer-FELS M s.Tery-Ann Rhule,W elfare Oficer Bursary and Grants M r.Garfield M cLeary Safetyand SecurityDepartment,W estern Campus 1:35 P.M .-1:45 P.M . 1:05 P.M .-1:15 P.M . 1:0 P.M .-1:05 P.M . Know yourStudentServices M is Jasm ine Sm ith Librarian W estern Campus 1:25 P.M .-1:35 P.M . 1:45 P.M .-1:5 P.M . 1:55 P.M .-2:05 P.M . Closing Rem arks Item Cam pusTourand CityTour MeetyourStudentUnion Sub-CouncilTeam (Inform ation Ses ion,Introduction to Club and Societies,Com m unity Service Initiatives,Gam e) M s.JanetM cLean,CampusAdministrator M rs.Alicia Bowen-M ighty Lecturer– SCIT 12:00 P.M .-1:00 P.M . LUNCH

DETAILS TIMELorem Ipsum 9:40 A.M .-9:50 A.M . Led byUTech Ja.’sVocalEnsemble TheUniversity Song Introduction ofUTECH Ja,Staf President’sAddres MusicalSelection UTech,Ja.Mascot Staf Response New StudentsPledge NationalAnthem Welcome M r.RickDarby,Students’Union President M rs.Simone M cGregor-Jackson,VP and ChiefHuman Resource Oficer Platform Party Proces ion M is M arion Brown VP & Registrar M is M arion Brown VP & Registrar 23 FRIDAY INDUCTIONCEREMONY ACTIVITY Opening Rem arks Academ icProces ion President’s Proces ion 10:0 A.M .-10:05 A.M . 10:05 A.M .-10:07 A.M . 10:13 A.M .-10:17 A.M . 10:17 A.M .-10:22 A.M . 10:45 A.M .-10:50 A.M . 10:25 A.M .-10:45 A.M . Invocation Prof.Shermaine Baret,DeputyPresident(Acting) Dr.Kevin Brown President Dr.Kevin Brown President 10:55 A.M .-11:05 A.M . 11:00 A.M .-11:05 A.M . 10:07 A.M .-10:12 A.M 10:45 A.M .-10:50 A.M . 10:50 A.M .-10:5 A.M . M rs.CarolRichards,UniversityChaplain 9:50 A.M .-9:5 A.M . 10:12 A.M .-10:13 A.M . 9:31 A.M .-9:39 A.M . Al New Studentsand Gueststo beSeated HOST: Students’Union Sub-Council VENUE:W estern Cam pus,17Dom eStreet 37

Let’sCelebrate Venue:Alfred SangsterAuditorium Host:M r.M aurice Colquhoun,Lecturer,COBAM Fresher’sSocial Venue:In Zone Bar& Restaurant Host:Students’Union Council CITYTOUR Tim e:9:00 P.M -3:0 P.M Departure Venue:DepartmentofStudentServicesCarPark PrizeGiving and Drawing ofTablets Asemble Departure Fresher’sSocial ASHE Production 10:55 A.M .-11:0 A.M . Led byStudents’Union President 2024/2025 In Zone Bar& Restaurant 1 :30 A.M -12:30 P.M 6:00 P.M -12:00 A.M . 8:50 A.M -9:00 A.M . 9:00 A.M .

DETAILS TIME 24SAT STUDENTORIENTATION-CITYTOUR ACTIVITY HOST: Students’Union Sub-Council VENUE:Departurefrom theDepartm ent OfStudentServicesCarPark City Tour 9:00 A.M . 40


W e as iststudents/alum niin gaining various form s of em ploym entand/orexposuretotheworkingworld UTECH CAREER & PLACEM ENT UNIT SCAN QR CODE WHATWEOFER: -Placem entServices -CareerDevelopm ent -CareerCounseling -J1W orkand Travelguidance -Job Fair -M entorship

HALLSOFRESIDENCE WELCOMETOTHE M anystudentsfind thatliving on cam pusisthe m ost rewarding experience oftheircolege lives-lifelong friendshipsand memoriesstarthere.Cheeron the Knightsatourathleticvenues,walkto clas orcatch a concertatthe Caribbean Sculpture Park.Plus,you're in the middle ofalthatishappening on campus!

Need a transcript/statusleter/statem ent? Need to colectyourcertifcate? Need to corectinac urate personaldata identifed on the StudentPortal? Visitthisofice. STUDENTRECORDSOFFICE STUDENT RELATIONS OFFICE W hen youneed generalstudentquestionsanswered? Need inform ation on policy/regulationspertaining to studentlife? Have questionsregarding studentdiscipline? Need guidance concerning absence from examsdue to medical orotherextenuating circum stances? The UniversitySecretariatisa source ofinform ation,advice, and guidance on matersofjurisdiction, strategy,policy,and progres . SECRETARIAT ADMISSIONS& ENROLMENTMANAGEMENT Do youneed advice on enrolmentrelated is ues? Do you have queriesregarding transferfrom Faculties? Have yourquestionsanswered here. M ain responsibiltesinclude: • Review oftranscripts/academicrecords • Regulationsand policy-related decisions • AcademicProgres ion DEPUTY REGISTRAR COORDINATESACADEMICSUPPORTSERVICES WESTERN CAMPUSASSISTANTREGISTRAR Coordinatesacademicsupportservicesand studentsupport servicesforthe W estern Cam pusstudents. 38

ASSISTANT REGISTRAR,STUDENT SERVICES COORDINATESTHESTUDENTSUPPORTSERVICES "Do youhave a disabilty? • Do you have questionsconcering studentinsurance? •Do youwantto getinvolved in studentleadership? STUDENTRECRUITMENTUNITPROMOTESTHECOURSESOFSTUDY OF ERED BYTHEUNIVERSITYLOCALY,REGIONALY& INTERNATIONALY. Do youwantto know more aboutUTech,Ja'sCoursesofStudy? W ould you like UTech,Ja.to visityourHigh School/Instiution/W orkPlace? W ould youlike to geta campustour? STUDENTRECRUITMENT CAREER & PLACEMENT UNIT PROVIDESA W IDEVARIETYOFSERVICESTO ME TTHECARE R DEVELOPMENTNE DSOFTHEUNIVERSITYCOMMUNITY Looking forcareeradvice? Need help transitoning into the profes ionalworld? PROVIDESSTUDENTSWITH ACCOMMODATIONS Need to find living ac ommodationseitheron-co orof-campus? ACCOMMODATION UNIT COUNSELLING UNIT CONFIDENTIAL,FREE & RESPECTFUL COUNSELLING • W hen youhave the need to talkto someone aboutany life chalenges. • W hen youare struggling to cope with depres ion,anger managementis ues,relationship is ues. EF ECTIVEAND EF ICIENTSUPPORTSERVICESFOR INTERNATIONALSTUDENTS Are you an internationalstudent? Do youneed to maintain contactwith yourstake holders? INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS'OFFICE SCHEDULING UNIT Responsible forthe creation ofTeaching Timetables Booking ofClas rooms (Teaching and Non Teaching Activites) 29

DEPARTMENTOFSTUDENTFINANCING STUDENTWELFAREUNIT GRANTS The StudentW elfare Unitofthe FinancialAid Off ice m anagesa sm alfund thatis contributed byourstudentsduring theregistration period caled theW elfareFund;thisis then used to assistourneedieststudents. 1. AL studentswho contribute to the fund can benef itfrom the folowing assistance: a.Tuition b.Lunch Subsidy c.Transportation d.Medical e.Boarding/Rent f.Teaching Practice Expenses 2. Grantsarenorm alygiven to AL Studentoncetheyhavecontributed to theW elfareFund through thepaym entoftheirECD. 3. Applicantsm ustclearlydem onstrateneed,which should besubstantiated in writing through a Reference Aff idavitbya MinisterofReligion,Justice ofthe Peace,Lectureror SeniorManagerattheUniversity,MedicalDoctorand ResidentManager. 4. Studentsm ustalso provethattheyhaveexhausted alalternativesourcesoffunding beforeapplying fora grant. 5. Recom m endationscan also bem adebytheDepartm entofStudentFinancing who haveseen wherethestudentisstruggling and isunableto m eettheirtuition/boarding obligations. 6. Referee should know studentforatleastOne year Theadm inistering ofalgrantrelated assistanceisdonethrough a W elfareCom m itee, which consistsofthe StudentW elfare Off icer,a Counselorand a StudentServicesprofessional. TheCom m iteereviewstheapplicationssubm ited and m akedecisionson alapplications subm ited. 45

Additionaly,recom m endationscan bem adeto otherunitsin theeventualitythat theym ayneed additionalassistance. - A m axim um of$40,000.00 given to each grantapplicant - $250.00 perdayforlunch subsidy,a m onthlyalocation through a NCBMasterCard - A JUTC buspassvaluing $200.00 perdayisgiven towardstransportation (renewable everym onth fortheentireAcadem icYear) - Studentcan applyforgrantsonceperAcadem icyear(AY) Application forLunch Subsidyopens–OnceperAYAugust-Septem ber Application forGrantsopen – Septem ber25,2017(opensalAY) EARN AND STUDY Em ploym entisprovided forstudentson cam pusthrough theEarn and Study Program m e.W orkisscheduled to avoid conf lictwith the students’academ icperform ance. These studentsare orientated and dispatched to diferentDepartm ents,Facultiesand Units acrosstheUniversityCam pus(of cam pusesincluded).Studentswho applyforthe Program m eareplaced with theintention ofgiving them theexperienceneeded forthe workworld and an opportunityto earn an incom e/stipend.Studentswho areon academ ic probation (GPA of1.70 orbelow)arenotrecom m ended to applyfortheprogram m eas theirstudiestakesprecedence atthiscrucialtim e. Studentswho wish to participatein theEarn and StudyProgram m em aychooseone ofthefolowing options: Option 1– W orking in Sem esters1& 2,studentsarealowed to work50 hrsperfortnight. Thisisapplicableto AL students. 1. Theyarepaid ata rateof$250.00 perhour 2. Theyarepaid fortnightly 46

Option 2– W orking in thesum m ersession,alstudentsarealowed to workan eight-hour workday,Mondayto Friday,totaling 40 hoursperweek.Pleasenotethefolowing conditions: 1. Priorityisgiven to 2nd and 3rd yearstudentin Sem esters1and 2,First(1st)year studentsare alowed to workin the sum m ersession oftheirf irst(1st)year. 2. Priorityisgiven to Finalyearand Firstyearstudentsin the Sum m erProgram m e 3. Theyarepaid Fortnightly Expanded Program m e These studentworkersare requested bya departm ent/facultyto f il in wherea RegularEarn and Studystudentcannotcoverthedutiesatrequiretim eneeded bythedepartm ent/faculty.In thesecases,theratesand thehoursthestudentsworkare expanded.TheDepartm ent/Facultyisalso responsiblefordeciding theratethattheyare paid,and also paysthesestudentworkersfrom theirdepartm ent’sbudget.Theyworka ful 40 hourworkweekin m ostcasesand aretreated bytheirdepartm entasa tem poraryworker. The StudentW elfare UnitFaciltatesthe Paym entofthe Expanded Students.The departm ent transfersthefundsto theEarn and Studyaccountthrough journaltransfertransactionsforthe period theywould likethestudent. There isno application period foran Expanded studentworker,iftheyare requested,the StudentW elfare Off ice then faciltatestheirplacem entand paym ent. Theapplication periodsfor“Earn and Study”areasfolows: 1. Sem estersI& I– Augustofeach year 2. Sum m erSession – Aprilofeach year Application form sforScholarships,Grantsand Earn & Studyareavailableon-lineat htp:/ www.utech.edu.jm /form s 47

MEDICALCENTRE M edicalCentre continuesto provide qualityhealth care to the UniversityCom m unity.The team ofhealth care profes ionalsismultidisciplinaryand the folowing servicesare ofered: -Counseling -Environm entalHealth -Fam ilyPlanning -GeneralM edicine -M edicalLaboratory -Referals OPENING HOURS: M ondav-Friday8:0 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Saturday-9:00 a.m .-2:00 p.m MEDICALLABORATORY SERVICES Servicesare available on weekdaysbetween the hoursof8:00 a.m.and 3:30 p.m.Resultsofroutine laboratorytestsare usualyavailable within 24 hours. EMERGENCY SERVICES Personswith life-threatening em ergencieswho visitthe Health Centre receive supportive care and are then transfered via ambulance to the Ac ident& EmergencyDepartmentofthe UniversityHospitalof the W estIndies ACCESSING MEDICAL SERVICES Alusersofthe M edicalCentre are required to make an appointmentusing the Online Health Centre System (OHCS)fornon-emergencycare.waittime byscheduling yourappointmentsfrom home.Visit the UTech website atwww.utech.edu.jm and selectthe OHCS linkfrom the usefullinks(top right)section. Yourhealth insurance and studentidentifcation cardsare neces aryforeach visit. STUDENTHEALTH INSURANCEPLAN Alregistered studentsare provided with a health insurance card which maybe used atanyhealth care provider.Please note thatsome providersonlyac eptcash/debit/creditcardsaspayments.Ifthis oc urs,askfora signed receiptin orderto make a claim againstthe health insurance provider.There isa costforservicesnotcovered bythe health insurance plan;howeverno cash iscolected atthe M edicalCentre. UTech,Ja.MEDICAL CENTRE

Student’sUnion Clubs& Societies 49

Hom eofW orld Clas Athletes The UTech Knightistrained to practise courteous,honourable benaviour. The UTech Knightisa living fortres . Charisma isone ofthe UTech Knight's bestatributes. A UTech Knightmaintainsa daunting presence. The five primaryatributesofa UTech Knightare strength,agilty,stam ina,intelect,and spirit. The wayofthe UTech Knightisa continuouspath of physical,mentaland spiritualselfdevelooment Knights 50

UTECH,JA.KNIGHTS The DepartmentofSportprovidesa wide arayofsporting programsforstudentsand staf.Asan integralpartofourstudents'educationalexperience,theymaycompete in intramuraland intercoligiate competionsaswelasnationaland international OUR COMPETITIVEPROGRAMSINCLUDE: SEMESTER ONE Footbal(male & female) Basketbal(male) Netbal(female) Badminton (male & female) Table Tennis(male & female) Tennis(male & female) Golf(male & female) Rugby(male) Basketbal Cricket Voleybal(male & female) Track& Field (male & female) Hockey(male & female) Centralto the sportfaciltesisan auditorium boasting 600 sq.ftofsprung timberstage floorand seating capacityfor1,10 persons,inclusive ofa balconywith 2 7 perm anently tiered UTech,Ja.isa memberofthe Jamaica Intercolegiate SportsAs ociation (Intercol)and servesasthe secretariat.Intercolisthe governing bodyforintercolegiate levelsports. The Universitytherefore com peteswith overnineteen (19)otheruniversitesand coleges acros the island including:the Universityofthe W estIndies,KnoxCom m unityColege, Northern Caribbean University,Shortwood Teachers'Colege,G.C.FosterColege of PhysicalEducation and Sport,Jam aica M aritm e Instiute,M ico UniversityColege among others. INTRA DEPARTMENTAL COMPETITION Studentshave the opportunityto interactand have fun with studentswithin and outside theirFacultythrough participation in intra and interdepartm entalcom petionsorganized bythe Students'Union Council. NATIONAL,REGIONALAND INTERNATIONALCOMPETITION M embersofthe Universityathleticteamsalso participate in a numberofcompetions and tournam entsatthe club,national,regionaland internationallevels. NATIONALCOMPETITIONS/TOURNAMENTS- some selected nationalcompetions REGIONALCOMPETITIONS -CUSA (Caribbean UniversitySportAs ociation) Games,ODUCC Games,ODUPA (Organización Deportiva Universitaria Panamericana) INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIONS -UTech KnightsClas ics,W orld UniversityGam es, Penn Relays SEMESTER TW O Hom eofW orld Clas Athletes 51 INTERCOLLEGIATE COMPETITION