WELCOME MESSAGECONT'D. Atthe heartofyouracadem icjourneyliesthe off ice ofthe registrar.W e oversee the Division ofStudentServicesand Registry,serving asa crucialpilarofyoursupport system .Asyou navigatethrough theacadem iclandscape,wearehereto assist you with anyquestionsorconcernsyou m ayhaveregarding academ ic policies,credittransfers,youracadem ic records,and the intricaciesofregistration in addition to otherservicesthatsupportsyoursuccessand enhanceyourgrowth and developm ent.Ourfaculties,staf,and adm inistratorsarededicated to your success,and wearecom m ited to providing you with thetools,resources,and guidanceneeded to thriveboth insideand outsidetheclassroom . Asyou em barkon thisnew chapterofyourlife,alwayskeep in m ind thatyou arenow partofa com m unitythatvaluesknowledge,innovation,and growth.Your journeyherewilbem arked bytrium phs,chalenges,and thejoyofdiscovery. Em braceeveryopportunity,m akem eaningfulconnections,and dareto dream beyond thehorizon.Onceagain,welcom eto theBirthplaceofGreatness.Together, letusm ake thisacadem icyearone f iled with inspiration,achievem ent,and the relentlesspursuitofexcelence.W ith bestwishesfora successfuland fulf iling yearahead,