Voices Magazine Vol3-Issue 1

5 April - June 2019 | VOICES Bi-Monthly Magazine of the University of Technology, Jamaica Cont’d on page 6 Cont’d from page 4... University Awards 40 YEARS 35 YEARS Long Service Awards (l-R) Mrs. Mercedes Deane (left), University Registrar presents Miss Delva Barnes, Faculty Administrator, College of Health Sciences and Mrs. Lezma Williamson-Rankine, Cleaner Attendant, Facilities Management Department with their long service awards for 40 years of dedicated service to the University. Mrs. Mercedes Deane (left), University Registrar presents Mrs. Charmaine DeLisser, Senior Academic Director, Office of Technology, Data Applications and Development (OTDAD), School of Computing and Information Technology and Mrs. Ave McIntosh, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Science and Sport with their long service awards for 35 years of dedicated service to the University. (l-R) Mr. David Drysdale (left), University Librarian presents 30-year long service awards to Ms. Clover DeSouza, Lecturer, Faculty of The Built Environment, Dr. Haldane Johnson, Associate Vice President, Teaching and Learning, Miss Judith Delisser, Lecturer, Faculty of Science and Sport and Dr. Audrey Thomas, Curriculum Specialist Office of Curriculum Development and Evaluation Unit, Academic Affairs Division. 30 YEARS 25 YEARS Mr. David Drysdale (left), University Librarian, presents 25-year long service awards to Mrs. Heather Williams-Crosby, Human Resource Development Manager, Division of Human Resources and Administration and Mr. Raymond Whittle, Technical Officer, School of Computing and Information Technology.